The school has well equipped and spacious science labs to give practical training and demonstrations in various aspects of physical, chemical and biological branches of science. Efforts are under way to build up a Social Science and Mathematics lab for more effective teaching of the subjects. 

Computer Lab

To keep pace with the present computer age and to prepare the students technologically for the future. The school has a big Computer Lab where students from standard-1st onwards are given preliminary exposure to the exciting 'World of Computer'. 

Activity Room Cum Theatre

A specially created room with a wide collection of educational toys, Video-Audio cassettes, CDs, Computer, Indoors games, rockers and swings of abiding interest to the pre-school toddlers. 

Career Counselling Cell

To keep pace with the competitive environment across the globe, School has a facility of Career Counselling. This is a holistic and integrated programme to identify and subsequently guide right subject options and career to the students. When they move out of defensive school environment, they are prepared for the rugged competitive world. 


The school has got approx. 10,000 books in its Library in English/Hindi on various topics and subjects viz. Literature, G.K. books, Story books, Novels, Autobiographies, Biographies, Fictions, Religions, Philosophy, Education, Fine-Arts, Sports and Games, Medicine and Reference Books on various subjects. Students are free to select the books of their choice. The school also subscribes to journals in addition to important daily newspapers. Students are encouraged to read books and magazines etc. during their free periods or library periods which is the part of the Time-Table.